-I might be all of the Revelations figures. The Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog and Gog. On Friday 31st March 2017. I was told overnight in a dream to take a Bus to the next town. At the base of the small mountain MAUAO as in MESSIAH. On Marine Parade I repeated over and over the line. Bop Bup Bup. Maybe connecting me to incredible power. In each line of 6 figures of each of 'B' or 'p'. Each of them looks like a '6' as in 666. Maybe saying I am each of those 6 figures. Maybe I got their power that morning. Maybe somehow accessed from Heaven. Mauao. And Bop Bup Bup. Maybe standing for the Holy Trinity. Or three times God. God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Like Bop Bup Bup all of them might look the same. Overnight before that I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in fully over them like PORCELAIN CHINA CHRISTIAN costumes. Before leaving to go to that town I was told to scan and Post the different themed groups from DC Comics WHO's WHO comic. Who's Who. Like I took or shared their power. WHO's WHO like I am all 6 of these main Revelations figures. Maybe when I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup I somehow damned myself and gained the abilities these people have. Maybe my miracle powers didn't start until that date
-the three maybe ones I added to the listed ones in Revelations
-the TERMINATOR- able to cause a person or group to completely end. Not even any afterlife for them. The time I ran away overnight to the Mount about 1997. I was by the Surf Beach. I LEFT my SUPERBOY TRADING / TERMINATING Card in the Bridge Ticket Slot. He was the clone version. His costume included a black leather jacket. Like I tried to finalize the list with SANDY / HOURGLASS the maybe ostracized Grease character. Later that night too I threw my CALCULATOR WATCH over Pilot Bay Pier. I replaced the living versions with ROBOTS. A Calculator Watch they might not end straight away. These happened near the base of Mauao
-the WATCHER- a character I made up with body parts or clothes of sack tied at limb ends by rope. He had his old scary living home on top of Mauao. In the series I made up. From a dream around the (Mount) landscape were only small white wrecked spaceships. I later AFTER making him up once imagined the same named person and appearance in Revelations. The WATCHER like years after making him up living in a home on top of the Mount. Overnight I threw my calculator watch over the Pier at it's base in Mount Maunganui. The home on top of the Mount and wrecked spaceships. Maybe meaning I recover all of Earth with my own homes
-the DAMNATION- around the corner from the small mountain Mauao at Marine Parade by the Surf Beach in 2017 I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. In each line six of 'B' and 'p'. Looking like sixes. 666. Like maybe I can will it and anyone I will when they die goes to incredible pain forever. It might have been there on that Surf Beach a Staff Member said the client DANNY was seen on the sand. That I thought might have as the Damnation given me the power to cause a person's life to always be really bad. These were at the Mount Surf Beach near where the others took place in Mount Maunganui
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