Wednesday, November 13, 2024

King of Terror

-Revelations calls the Anti-Christ the King of Terror

-he is meant to be from Iran / PERSIA

-the book the man looking like Walt Disney bought me

-reduced from $29.99 to $11.99

-published by PARRAGON

-'King Arthur Pendragon'



-my earliest memory is of coming in to live in our new home for the first time and in a lower kitchen cupboard finding a tin of Griffins Sampler biscuits

-SAMPLER maybe representing a COMPUTER I might have worked out my life and miracles on

-before long when very young I had a dream I found a magical looking original large book of Disney stories in that same lower kitchen cupboard

-it looked similar to the book the man looking like Walt Disney bought me about 2010

Saturday, November 9, 2024


 -the Maori name for Stewart Island

-the lowest and smallest of New Zealand's main Islands

-the lowest inhabited place on Earth

-I try to-

-RAKIURA- cause as much illness, injury etc

-to be CURED

-RAKIURA- when someone goes to cause a crime, do something illegal

-their actions are REVERSED

False Prophet

-I might be the False Prophet of Revelations

-PROPHET like I set up / created Christianity

-like a PUPPET

-all my life when I hold up fingers in front of my eyes

-I can see through them

-like Puppet Strings

-like Praying

-when I was young living in JAMES COOK Street

-maybe meaning I created JESUS and HELL too

-once in the dark in my bedroom. I might have seen a pair of lit up hands appear through the ceiling as if they were Praying

-or to say I am controlling things. The hands up above me like pulling Puppet Strings

-another time also while living in James Cook Street. At the end of the Street as part of PADDOCKS / PUPPET

-lying in a ditch was the full skeleton of a man 

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Wicked Witch

 -4 pairs of Wicked Witches in my ideas


-Wicked Witches of the East and West

-Holland married to a woman like Lois Lane of Lois and Clark

-the HOLE in the LAND with the SKELETON

-maybe on a trip with his wife. A movie flashes over space about that. With her having an affair on it

-WILLIAM maybe badly burnt because of something someone did to him. Because of mistakes he made

-maybe called The Red SKULL

-maybe I had sex with his wife Kate. When she was in a city close in New Zealand. And their daughter Charlotte was conceived about that time

-local men Steven Chambers and Tim Balme

-both went to my High School at close years to me

-Chambers' sex maybe altered. On the outside looks male with BREASTS and PENISLESS. BALL / ME

-and forced maybe to the end of history to fight crime, have sex with males

-TIM BALME passed me downtown by the entrance of a comic store. Wearing like an Australian Bushman's hat. With around the rim hanging strings with small BALLS hanging

-he passed me in 'DEKA'. Wearing a BLACK LEATHER jacket. I was by a comic stand. There were comics that were direct reprints of US titles


-the hat like the Wicked Witch of Oz's hat in some films. The black leather jacket like her dress

-the BALLS the DEATH STARS. And STRINGS the LIGHT SABRES. That Jesus Christ might become part of

-the black leather jacket like his Darth Vader armor he is trapped in 

-maybe Tim BALME'S and DC's fault

-Jesus Christ might become trapped in a Darth Vader armor forced to work for a Space Army like in Star Wars. And he is the main villain of Days of our Lives about me. And it's channel probably to almost everywhere

-the DC Comics character PRINCESS Projectra. Might have been tricked to become the Black QUEEN of a land like Oz

-because they wanted to generate a series of books about them also to almost everywhere


-plus two people that their worlds treated them as outcasts 

-Donna Troy / Wonder Girl. Maybe becoming Darth Vader. Treated as badly as possible. I tried using ending her to change back the world that was all of the first Universe. From for decades being twisted around

-and the character Sandy in Grease. All turned on her. I tried to kill her completely too. And use that to finalize the list of people I wanted to completely destroy from the history of space

-meeting actor musician TIM BALME. Acted like MATT's BALANCE. He approached me twice downtown by where specialty comics were sold. Giving me the final choice not to buy more comics. The last titles I wanted with DARKER connotations. Me passing on those was part of how I wanted to create a merged Heaven and Hell

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


-I tried to set off my lists of people

-I wanted to completely end. Not even any afterlife

-leaving where they were unthinking but life like doubles

-I typed up a Post. Then realized it could of caused the woman Sandy in Grease. Her friends turned on her because they thought she had changed too much


-and she lived in a 1950s world and it was found out they had a year like a movie

-I had the choice between getting a novel about Falcon CREST or a large GREASE poster. CHRIST

-I got the Grease poster. Later I put a red spot on her elbow. Like the slightly large pinkish lump on my left thigh

-she discovered she was pregnant. The red spot in her elbow. And had to raise the child totally ostracized and desperate

-I had typed up a Post then saw what I had done

-so I tried to use this about her to set off as many as I could on those lists to erase I do

-in about 1980 I saw an old slide. Of me aged 1 or 2 standing naked showing me in full

-maybe in my grandparents' garden at Maxwell Drive

-the slide I had taken of me

-I was naked

-like a mass / Max of these people killed off

-naked like they were erased

-MAX amount of people made WELL / killed off

-the only time I ever saw that slide

-we had relatives the Kelly family visiting from Australia

-like in Grease Sandy has just moved and started the High School

-from Australia in some productions 

Revelation Figures I Am

-I might be all of the Revelations figures. The Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog and Gog. On Friday 31st March 2017. I was told overnight in a dream to take a Bus to the next town. At the base of the small mountain MAUAO as in MESSIAH. On Marine Parade I repeated over and over the line. Bop Bup Bup. Maybe connecting me to incredible power. In each line of 6 figures of each of 'B' or 'p'. Each of them looks like a '6' as in 666. Maybe saying I am each of those 6 figures. Maybe I got their power that morning. Maybe somehow accessed from Heaven. Mauao. And Bop Bup Bup. Maybe standing for the Holy Trinity. Or three times God. God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Like Bop Bup Bup all of them might look the same. Overnight before that I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in fully over them like PORCELAIN CHINA CHRISTIAN costumes. Before leaving to go to that town I was told to scan and Post the different themed groups from DC Comics WHO's WHO comic. Who's Who. Like I took or shared their power. WHO's WHO like I am all 6 of these main Revelations figures. Maybe when I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup I somehow damned myself and gained the abilities these people have. Maybe my miracle powers didn't start until that date

-the three maybe ones I added to the listed ones in Revelations

-the TERMINATOR- able to cause a person or group to completely end. Not even any afterlife for them. The time I ran away overnight to the Mount about 1997. I was by the Surf Beach. I LEFT my SUPERBOY TRADING / TERMINATING Card in the Bridge Ticket Slot. He was the clone version. His costume included a black leather jacket. Like I tried to finalize the list with SANDY / HOURGLASS the maybe ostracized Grease character. Later that night too I threw my CALCULATOR WATCH over Pilot Bay Pier. I replaced the living versions with ROBOTS. A Calculator Watch they might not end straight away. These happened near the base of Mauao

-the WATCHER- a character I made up with body parts or clothes of sack tied at limb ends by rope. He had his old scary living home on top of Mauao. In the series I made up. From a dream around the (Mount) landscape were only small white wrecked spaceships. I later AFTER making him up once imagined the same named person and appearance in Revelations. The WATCHER like years after making him up living in a home on top of the Mount. Overnight I threw my calculator watch over the Pier at it's base in Mount Maunganui. The home on top of the Mount and wrecked spaceships. Maybe meaning I recover all of Earth with my own homes

-the DAMNATION- around the corner from the small mountain Mauao at Marine Parade by the Surf Beach in 2017 I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. In each line six of 'B' and 'p'. Looking like sixes. 666. Like maybe I can will it and anyone I will when they die goes to incredible pain forever. It might have been there on that Surf Beach a Staff Member said the client DANNY was seen on the sand. That I thought might have as the Damnation given me the power to cause a person's life to always be really bad. These were at the Mount Surf Beach near where the others took place in Mount Maunganui

Sunday, November 3, 2024


  -my flat mate Jesse WATKINS might really be an unthinking MACHINE

-the two times I had 'experiences' with 'the Destroyer' feeling hands on my back in my sleep

-about 1998 living in Mayfair Cabins. Down the hill from my home I own now that's garden gives me my miracle powers

-I pictured on the wall a page sized picture of a man's head in a full / or hood mask

-like BANE who BROKE Batman's BACK. Watkins isn't real

-BANE as in BAN

-as in stars etc got me BANNED from many things

-the second time in 2021. I was asleep in my own home. Up the Road from Mayfair Cabins

-I felt hands on my back in my sleep again

-I felt like I said I will MARRY out aloud a few times

-like I was set up to MARRY an adulterous woman

-I said it to a local man like Superman who works in COMPUTERS. Like saying Jesse Watkins is really a machine

-I came up with two homes, and retail layouts in case they worked to copy out over landscapes over the Earth

-I willed to MARRY or BAN them

-maybe meaning some people put 666 on them to get them

-'Terra Forming'

-to as much of Earth's landscapes as I can. To all parallel Earths too if I can

-copies of the land

-from the Mount Maunganui Police Station to Mauao the small Mount Maunganui mountain. That strip. With the Surf Beach and Marine Parade on one side and Pilot Bay on the other side. The water on each side only goes as far as the land extends on each side

-then connected to the downtown Mount Maunganui shops. All of the shops. Stock restores to full levels once a day. No workers. The stores restore to what they were. Cleaned again. Up to the Police Station, the Cinema and the Restaurant I used to go on my birthday and Christmas

-where the base of Mauao is the apartment Towers

-and the rest of the land. From the base of the small mountain to downtown. Are for copies of stores and products from my ideas

-I then around the rest of the area of Mount Maunganui. From the end of downtown Mount. To Bayfair Shopping Centre. Have copies of my home. To it's end point in repairs and new goods. Terra Forming. I use me really redoing my unit. There are Street blocks of three homes. My unit at the back with copies of all of my property. My flat mate's property is gone. The middle unit empty. So people have rooms they can live in. In place of the front home is a copy of the empty middle unit. So there is my home furnished. And the two units in front empty for a family, one person etc each to have the three homes for living in

-and there is Bayfair Shopping Centre. With all the goods. To the day I went there by Bus. Everything in those stores restores to the point of that day once a day

-like I took the Bus to the Mount Maunganui Bayfair once. The morning March 31st 2017 I took the Bus to the base of Mauao and Marine Parade like I was told to. And my powerful miracles began. Before going like I was told to I scanned themed groups from DC Comics' Who's Who pages and Posted the themed groups

-and the time I was at Marine Parade Surf Beach about 1979. The mother of a friend CHRIS PILDITCH (PILL DITCH? and POLICE DITCH?) had taken us. And I found a plate sized rock I thought might be shaped like Australia

-the land from the edge of downtown Mount and the Police station. Up to Bayfair. Has constant copies of three homes. My home at the back. Then in the middle the empty middle unit. Then at the front another empty unit. But the Street designs are the same. It is not constant copies of Fraser Street. The three homes are on what the Streets and Roads now are like. So you can find your way. It is not every Street exactly the same

-and I if I can. Use the large stamp sized stone. Almost a perfect ball. That I got from a Client's home the day in GREERTON. That I used to think might have created space. Maybe that the Big Bang came from

-and if I can I use the night about 1996. I tried running away to Mount Maunganui. I was living in Sunrise Support Home. I thought God might have said Get out displeased with me. All I took was a clone Superboy TRADING CARD. I do not know why I took it. I walked all the way to downtown Tauranga locally. To the Bridge between the two cities. I left the Trading Card in the slot of the Bridge. And crossed to the next city. On the other side I went down the wrong Street. And for a moment hid in a DOCK of TREE TRUNKS. Me MATTHEW AGER. MATT MURDOCK DAREDEVIL with BATON powers. Marvel Comics' The Man without Fear. I then continued to walk to the base of Mauao. At Pilot Bay there. Again because of forces in my mind. I threw my CALCULATOR Watch over the Pier at Pilot Bay. Like closing almost every business on Earth. Like Green Lantern has one of 3600 space rings. The base world is OA at the centre of the Universe. MAUAO by Pilot Bay. HAL JORDAN was a Test PILOT. He is DC Comics' The Man without Fear. DAREDEVIL / SATAN and HAL JORDAN / HELL HEAVEN . MAUAO / MESSIAH. The next day I was at the Picturesque Marine Parade at sunrise. I went in to the Mount Library. A female Librarian was reading to young children. I burst in to tears. I Phoned my Support Home to ask to be picked up. The Manager said I needed to call a Taxi. I don't know WHERE I GOT THE MONEY FOR A TAXI FROM ONE CITY TO THE OTHER

-about 1978 my grandparents twice took me to the next city of Mount Maunganui. Where the basis of these landscapes come from. Each time I saw something paranormal. The first time closer to the base of Mauao. A large white Trailer Home sized Flying Saucer on a vacant section. The apartment towers at the base of that small mountain. The next time at a family's home. A RICHIE RICH comic with a few hundred pages that was never made. RICHIE RICH I give each person $50 million. The goods in the downtown stores are for free. With a few hundred pages. The mansion and property extending from where the apartment towers are. We saw the comic at a family's home and we were with a family we only ever saw that time. The copy of Bayfair Shopping Centre. I went there to buy a set of Roald Dahl books on the chance I might have gathered living with me a lot of animals who were characters in stories and going there might give them super hero powers. At the home we only saw that time. The three copies of my home per family. But set up on original Roads

King of Terror

-Revelations calls the Anti-Christ the King of Terror -he is meant to be from Iran / PERSIA -the book the man looking like Walt Disney bough...